
paris in the morning

its a brisk 50 degrees here in cloudy paris, i sit, in the park of les halles, using paris' free wifi (no more mcdonalds...but its cold in the park...and big macs are good....anyway) just as i looked up i see, a homeless man pissing. (seriously i was typing about the park, i looked up and the clodo was peeing) while on the subject of homeless people, before i saw the guy peeing in the bushes, the classic caricature of a drunk homeless man with an umbrella for no apparent reason walked by, kind of had the hiccups, coulnt really walk too straight, but at the same time not stumbling, using the umbrella as a cane...straight out of a disney movie.
as for the apartment search, the mother of xavier's girlfriend has graciously accepted to be my garantor, which means she had to get about 40 pounds of paperwork including letters and tax reports and bank statements, and photocopies and all this other bullshit, so now i start the appartment search with a "dossier impec"
I watched big night last night, this movie about two italian brothers and their restaurant, chef used to rave about it, and he was right it was damn good.
hmmm besides the constant appartment search, i am partaking in the joys of immigration, medical tests, take a number, can i see your file please, im sorry i cant take your file today, on the first visit i give you a paper with the list of all documents needed and tomorrow you can come and give me the papers... whats that? im sorry, even if you have all of your papers today, this visit is just to get the list of papers needed. but i suggest you come back early tomorrow morning. aie aie aie aie aie.


Ariane* said...

Hey Baker, welcome to the french bureaucracy... I hope you'll find soon a nice studio in Paris - not easy, I know, Nedjma and I had also problems two years ago to find our flat in the rue vitruve.
Did you called my brother (Manu)? Perhaps he can help you...

Say hello to the Daban Family for me, and to Nedjma if you see her (I read that Catherine will help you, that's great).

Bon courage!
Ariane* (assistante de langue, moi aussi... but in Germany)

Ariane* said...

So, glandouiller or glander means to do nothing, stay at home and watching stupid things on tv for example :)
Normal que tu l´aies pas trouvé dans le dictionnaire, c´est un peu trop familier.

Pour mon frère, il faut parfois le harceler pour qu´il ne t´oublie pas, mais je suis sure qu´il peut t´aider alors n´hésite pas!

Bonne chance à toi aussi dude :)