
The Weekend/Hurricanes/I Smell Tiger Bait..

Well well, you made it. I had a great weekend, as I'm sure you all did as well. Friday night was a party with the scottish/german folk. The americans had to show them what beer pong and flip cup were. Speed quarters did not go over so well as most of them sucked and had to drink multiple times in a row. We got rained on for the first time since i've been here which isn't to relative seing as how most of yall have been weathering storm after storm. I hope y'all continue helping those who need it, they keep hitting close to home eh? Wiki links abound...Sunday I woke up early and went to St Malo with two germans and two french folk. It was five of us in a little hatchback. We walked around the ramparts of the city and then went down the way to a little village called Cancale. We bought some oysters and went to the beach and ate them with lemons. I would say that oysters here are not near as good and obviously they are a different species. We think that the woman selling them gave us some raunchy oysters because we all had our fair share of "man that last oyster was rotten." In any case we hung out on the beach for a while then drove to Mont St Michel It was very impressive but alas we didnt have the money (5 Euros each) to visit the abbey where the monks live. We had already bought gas oysters and stuff for sandwiches. I came home and cooked hamburgers for the faik and denize (the turks) and three italian birds. Faik didnt have a spatula so the burgs came out a little ugly but tasty nonetheless. I promptly introduced them to cheese fries and tabasco ketchup as well. Today was the first day of class...it was cool we only meet once a week for 2 hrs and sometimes more but I think I like the system. Moving on ....Its too siiiick (Rongey voice applies) The number 3 Tigers finally at home vs. the Vols. I can't believe we are number three and I hope it stays that way and gets better. The stadium is going to be rockin tonight...im uber jealous of those of you lucky enough to go. GEAUX TIGERS.