
the strike continues

apparently more than 250,000 people manifested yesterday (according to police) and more than 500,000 (according to student unions.) There is always that small bit of discrepancy between the two sides as to how many people showed up. last night at a general assembly of 288 people (more than half of my small schools student body) a strike was voted for today and monday. this weekend, on saturday there will be large demonstrations throughout france with students and labor union members. Im leaving this afternoon to go to angers to see robert plant and the strange sensations again, and i believe we will go to the manifestation on saturday morning in angers. i believe that the story is getting american press now, so keep your eyes open for it. hope everybody has a great weekend and for those of you in baton rouge, happy st patty's day. for those of you close to baton rouge, go there, st patty's day is ridiculous.